Thursday 9 January 2014

legends and stories

Read all:
  • The Forsaken – Duncan Campbell Scott (Theme & Image Book 1. Page 24)
  • The Ice-Floes - E. J. Pratt (Theme & Image Book 1. Page 27)
  • David – Earle Birney (Theme & Image Book 1. Page 32)

1. Write a paragraph that discusses the themes of survival and sacrifice in The Forsaken. (6 marks)

 The themes of survival and sacrifice in The first part of the poem is that she is a Chippewa women who has been abandoned by her husband and has a baby. She needs to take care of her child and keep it safe from the severe storm. She also needs to feed her child but has no food so she has to find food which is the husbands job. In order to do so she has to cut a piece of flesh off of her for bait and catch fish. her child is also sick so no food ain't good. The theme survival is when she cuts herself for bait. The second part of the poem is about when she is old and her son is now an old man and has kids of his own. Her son goes travelling and leaves her behind because she is old and useless. She is abandoned again. Her son and his family are travelling by canoe to get food. Their sacrifice is that they had to leave the old women behind, because she knew she was gonna be a burden.
2. Write a paragraph that explains the harsh irony of The Ice-Floes. (6 marks)

The harsh irony of the story is that they went out to kill seals and ended up dying themselves.
The poem is about a ship and its crew going out to sea and breaking the ice ahead of them in order to slaughter seals to eat. While doing so though, they forgot about everything else happening around them when a storm was coming and the ice was breaking and people were getting cold and hungry and falling over but they were to obsessed with killing seals they forgot and died.They were killing helpless animals and became helpless them selves.

3. Write a paragraph that describes Birney’s technique of foreshadowing in the poem David. (6 marks)

In this poem Birney shows lots of foreshadowing of David death. near the beginning when David and bob are hiking they find a goats skeleton on the side of a cliff and bob says that he didn't think that goats could slip and thought that David was a lot like goats because he was strong and good at climbing and had lots of mountain experience. Another foreshadowing is when they were climbing they found a little bird with a broken wing trying to fly but failing to do so, so bob says that he wants to help it and then teach it how to fly but then David says that it would never be able to fly again and kills it. Later in the story when David falls and bob goes to see him, David tell him to push him the rest of the way over the cliff because if not he would of had to live in a wheel chair the rest of his life and that wouldn't be life to him at all. 

4.  Embed a video that features information about one of these poets or poems.  (2 marks)

Slam Poetry

  Do you know him? That's my king

This slam poetry video is about the king of kings, the lord of lords, jesus christ.

It explains who he is and asks if you know him.

my poem:


There are lot’s of Cybermen everywhere.
The Ood have gone mad with their eyes glowing red.
Daleks exterminate while in the air.
Vashta Nerada made people drop dead.
Don’t blink while the Weeping Angels are there,
or the Silurians will take the earth.
The Slitheen family takes skins to wear.
The Sontarans were warriors from birth,
and the Dream Master made people insane.
The Master looked like the prime minister.
The Silence made them forget and were mean.
A Zygon shape shifted into the Queen.

Thursday 28 November 2013

people and places

Read:  Warren Pryor – A. Nowlan (Theme & Image Book 1. Page 13)
Answer in complete sentences:

1. What work is done by Warren’s family? (1 mark)

 They are farmers in a field.

2. How did Warren represent their hopes and dreams? (1 mark)

 He went a graduated and got a job like they wanted.

3. Explain the allusion used in the third stanza (see p. 215). What is the poem’s setting? (2 marks)

 The allusion is "Their cups ran over" which is an allusion to the twenty third psalm.
The poems setting is probably New Brunswick because it says"its red dirt" and New Brunswick has red dirt.

4. Identify the metaphor in the second stanza and the simile in the fourth stanza. (2 marks)

 The metaphor is " and lonely patience in a barren hole", and the simile is "like a young bear inside his teller's cage".

5. Explain the situational irony of “Warren Pryor. “ (2 marks)

 The situational irony is that his parents thought that it would be best for him to go and graduate and get a job in the city, but Warren despised working in the city and he loved working in the fields.

6. Create hyperlinks to online definitions for the terms allusion, metaphor, simile, and situational irony in the questions above. (2 marks)




 situational irony:

Thursday 7 November 2013

National Identity

1. What types of imagery can you identify in this poem? (2 marks)

 there are four types of imagery in this poem which include visual, auditory, olfactory, and gustatory. "Cedar and jagged fir uplift sharp barbs against the gray and cloud-piled sky", would be considered visual. "A wild duck calls to her mate", is auditory. "and thin, bitter spray and snap at the whirling sky", would be olfactory. and last but not least gustatory would be, "This smoky cry".

2. What forms of life inhabit the lonely land? (2 marks)

The forms of life in the lonely land are cedar, pine and fir trees and also ducks.

3. Which three adjectives used by Smith do you think best portray the strength and beauty of the land he describes? Give your reasons for selecting each one. (6 marks)

The three adjectives used by smith are "jagged", "whirling", and "passionate". I thing that "jagged" is a very good descriptive word that descibs the beauty of the trees very well. I also think that "whirling" is a good word to describe how beautiful the sky is in the poem. And the last one, "passionate" shows how much the duck loves to her mate.

4. Embed two images on your blog that illustrate lines of the poem. Caption each image with the lines represented from the poem. (4 marks)

"A wild duck calls to her mate."                                    "and the pine trees lean one way."